The main objective of the Jean Monnet Chair (JMC) project on Pluralism in the European Union (PluralEU) is to contribute towards reversing the trend of declining ethos of pluralism in the EU by fostering active citizenship and European democratic identity, which cannot come about in the absence of knowledge and sufficient qualification. For this reason, the JMC will be an example of good practice of the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, in particular the youth in Europe and beyond, especially in the Western Balkans.
The identified main general objectives will be achieved by dividing the project into three pillars: the teaching, the research and the civil society pillar. The teaching pillar will stimulate educational, professional and personal development of people in education, and especially in the younger generation. The research pillar will ensure scientific excellence, durability and sustainability of knowledge. Whereas the civil society pillar will foster active citizenship and EU democratic identity.
The proposed project is narrowly tailored to the key priority of the Erasmus+ programme, namely to foster participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement through formal learning activities, consisting of three mandatory and one elective course, which will through the Socratic method and learning in-context contribute to critical understanding of EU public affairs lato sensu.
The project is addressed to all three identified priority target groups: higher education students of European Union studies; higher education students who do not automatically come into contact with EU studies as well as Erasmus+ Partner countries thereby enhancing EU the public diplomacy. Special attention will also be paid to involve visiting academics, policy-makers – civil servants, civil society actors, representatives of the education and of the media.