The #MiSmoEU (#WeAreEU) initiative is a part of a broader research project on the future of the EU, since we truly believe that European topics need to be further presented towards the youth. It is still necessary to present all the benefits including the undoubted problems of the integration and remember that not all the acquisitions of the last decades are taken for granted. This is even more important for the youth, especially in our case the high school students who will be attaining the electoral power and with it a chance to be heard in regard of global topics.
With the #MiSmoEU initiative, we wish to bring global topics, which we lecture to our students and carry out analytical research, towards the local environment in which we operate. Especially towards the youth. In this light, we are planning to visit all the secondary schools in the regions where our Faculty is present in the coming months and interact with the youth on current EU topics.
We believe that through our #MiSmoEU project, we will be able to provide more information about the EU towards the youth so that they can create the right picture in regard of EU and on the basis of relevant information.
You can follow us on our social networks under #MiSmoEU.
List of visited high schools:
- Škofijska gimnazija Ljubljana, 20. 6. 2023,
- Gimnazija Franca Miklošiča Ljutomer, 25. 4. 2023,
- Gimnazija Tolmin, 24. 4. 2023,
- Gimnazija Celje Center, 19. 4. 2023,
- Gimnazija Bežigrad Ljubljana, 6. 2. 2023,
- Gimnazija Bežigrad Ljubljana, 1. 2. 2023,
- Gimnazija Bežigrad Ljubljana, 30. 1. 2023,
- Prva gimnazija Maribor, 27. 1. 2023
- Gimnazija Bežigrad Ljubljana, 19. 1. 2023,
- Srednja ekonomska šola Ljubljana, 17. 1. 2023,
- Škofijska gimnazija Ljubljana, 23. 11. 2022,
- Gimnazija Šentvid, Ljubljana, 27. 10. 2022,
- Srednja ekonomska šola Ljubljana, 3. 10. 2022,
- Prva gimnazija Celje, 22. 3. 2022,
- Srednja zdravstvena in kozmetična šola v Mariboru, 6. 4. 2021.
- Gimnazija Bežigrad, 2. 3. in 4. 3. 2021,
- Gimnazija Bežigrad, 20. 1. 2021 (aplikacija Zoom),
- Gimnazija Bežigrad, 29. 9. 2020,
- Gimnazija Franceta Prešerna v Kranju, 11. 2. 2020,
- Srednja šola Ilirska Bistrica, 24. 1. 2020,
- Srednja ekonomska, storitvena in gradbena šola – Šolski center Kranj, 19. 12. 2019,
- Srednja gradbena šola in gimnazija Maribor, 13. 12. 2019,
- Ekonomska šola Ptuj – Šolski center Ptuj, 6. 12. 2019.